microLearning - ECCRT
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What is microLearning

microLearning is a short and straightforward way of learning available in a library of content, developed to help you in your daily tasks and to be up-to-date with the latest topics and trends in clinical research! microLearnings are focused on specific learning outcomes, that will provide the skillsets for your profession and your career and will give you a competitive career advantage. These will give you tangible solutions to problems, difficulties and practical challenges you may have encountered at work.

Less time-intensive

Always available




Effective learning

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“microLearning has been helping in my daily tasks as a CRA, providing me with fresh content.” – NAME, COMPANY

“Very interesting concept to learn in a new innovative way.” – NAME, COMPANY

MicroLearning topics covered:

Stakeholder’s Analysis for Communication Plan

eTMF Reflections

Informed Consent the Right Way

What to look for when no 100% SDV

How to Enhance Oversight TMF

What to Verify in an Investigator Site File

Optimising Site Selection

Creating worksheets for Clinical Source Data

Informed Consent in a Nutshell

What is drug accountability verification?

Situational Management of your Contracts

Patient Centricity

ISO GCP Version 3! What’s new?

How to deal with incomplete data?

Ethical Principles in Clinical Research

How to write an effective CAPA?

How to prove oversight by the investigator?

ICH-GCP E6 (R2) Oversight

ICH-GCP E6 (R2) Oversight

COVID-19 and ongoing Clinical Trials

Resolving Issues at Work

Impact and Influence

Safety Monitoring Approach in Clinical Trials

Difference between ISO 14155 and GCP

Linking Essential Docs with GCP

Serious Breaches

eSource Data in clinical investigations

And more…

(each month a new topic is released)

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