Career in Clinical Research - Orientation training
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Orienting your Career in Clinical Research

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23/09/2024Orienting your Career in Clinical ResearchBrusselsEUR 375.00Book
11/12/2024Orienting your Career in Clinical ResearchAmsterdamEUR 375.00Book
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Career in Clinical Research training - ECCRT

About this course

Reasons to attend

Is clinical research new to you and you don't know what job possibilities are out there in the clinical development area? Or are you working in another area in the pharma world or in a hospital, but would like to know what the job possibilities are in clinical research?

This orientation course is ideal for you then.

What's included?

  • Documents and materials related to this course are included
  • Globally recognised certificates awarded after test completion
  • This course has been granted PharmaTrain Recognition

Course schedule

  • Half a Day face-to-face training: 13:30 - 17:00

Course Description

This half-day course will give you guidance on what the possible functions are, including what competencies and experience are required and how to approach applying for such positions.

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